This post provides some tips for finding the most effective ways to select and present personal narratives within funding applications.
Why You Should Apply to a Postdoctoral Fellowship
This blog post wants to show that there is value in exploring the possibility of applying to postdoctoral fellowships.
I’m an international student, what awards can I apply for? Part II
In this second post on awards for international students, we expand the scope to think about a diverse amount of examples of external funding opportunities that are open to both US citizens and non-citizens.
I’m an international student, what awards can I apply for? Part I
Do not miss funding opportunities available for you as an international student! This post highlights many fellowships and grants available for international graduate students.
Strategies for Revision Series (Part 2)
Have a draft of a research statement or personal narrative for your fellowship application? Feel like it’s in pretty good shape, but not sure how to give it that top-level shine? This post suggests a strategy of revision for seeing each part of your essay in a new light. Unlike my previous post, this one […]
Strategies for Revision Series (Part 1)
Have a draft of a research statement? Sometimes get a sneaking suspicion that it’s not quite hanging together? This post suggests a strategy for revision that’s quick, straightforward, and yet often effective in shedding light on structural problems. I can’t claim credit for the exercise. It was first suggested to me by Emily Bartels, Professor […]
What to Expect: Application Review Meeting
I’ve had this experience often: At the end of an exhaustive meeting with a fellowship applicant—after we’ve gone over specific points of structure and tone in minute detail; after we’ve reviewed broader issues of purpose and audience; after we’ve discussed background information on the funder who’s sponsoring the fellowship— the applicant says, with a certain […]
A Visit from the SSRC-Part I
At Rutgers, we recently had a visit from the program officer of one of the most prestigious fellowship awards for which we help graduate students apply: the Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship. The IDRF supports 9-12 months of continuous, on-site dissertation research in countries outside the United States. Consistently among the most […]
Top Five GradFund Myths (Advice from the Archives)
GradFund services are very popular with Rutgers graduate students. We help students across the disciplines identify and apply for extramural, honorific fellowships and grants. Each year we work one-on-one with over 400 students And yet, when I speak with graduate students, I am surprised by how many misconceptions there are. So, in this post, I will […]
ACLS/Mellon Completion Fellowship: Wrapping It Up (Advice from the Archives)
Advice from the Archives Series Note: Occasionally, we dig into the archives to uncover a post we feel holds relevant and timely information worthy of a repost. If you are interested in learning more about research grants and fellowships to support your graduate study, be sure to visit the GradFund Knowledgebase. Hello again, GradFund Conversations readers! Today we […]