Advice from the Archives Series Note: Occasionally, we dig into the archives to uncover a post we feel holds relevant and timely information worthy of a repost. If you are interested in learning more about research grants and fellowships to support your graduate study, be sure to visit the GradFund Knowledgebase. Several grants, fellowships, and postdoctoral fellowships now explicitly ask […]
Responding to Short Answer Questions Effectively (Advice from the Archives)
Advice from the Archives Series Note: Occasionally, we dig into the archives to uncover a post we feel holds relevant and timely information worthy of a repost. If you are interested in learning more about research grants and fellowships to support your graduate study, be sure to visit the GradFund Knowledgebase. Short answer questions are an important part […]
Grants and Fellowships for Women: How to Make Your Application Stand Out (Advice from the Archives)
Advice from the Archives Series Note: Occasionally, we dig into the archives to uncover a post we feel holds relevant and timely information worthy of a repost. If you are interested in learning more about research grants and fellowships to support your graduate study, be sure to visit the GradFund Knowledgebase. There are multiple funders, such as the American […]
How do I revise my application? (Roundup Post)
In this Roundup post, we collected a group of six blog posts from GradFund Conversations that speak to the topic of revising your application, regardless of this being your first time applying, or a resubmission to the same funder, these blogs contain useful tips and advice for tackling the revision process. Revising after you have […]
Why should I come to GradFund? (Roundup Post)
When faced with the task of applying for external funding many of us do not know how or where to start. Fortunately for graduate students at Rutgers, the university has provided you with an office within the School of Graduate Studies whose task is to provide our students with guidance about how and what to […]
Five Tips for How to Prepare and Justify a Budget
It does not matter if you are a scientist, humanist, or social scientist; at some point you will be asked to write and justify a budget, whether for conference travel, a fellowship, or a research grant. In order to write an accurate and realistic budget there are several things to keep in mind: 1) Ask […]
Applying for Funding as an ESL or EFL Student
There is no such thing as knowing too many languages! As someone who began to communicate in English on a daily basis only as a young adult and who learned ancient languages through English (a language that was not my own), I can say that I still live through the pleasures and anxieties that […]
Knowing the “When?” (Roundup Post)
Graduate students have many things to juggle simultaneously, and one of the biggest struggles is to know what one should be doing at what point. Because each graduate program is different, each graduate student has to be aware of different timelines and stages. But no matter if you are in your first year or in […]