Many fellowship and grant funders want to see a commitment to community. In fact, many different permutations of this concept exist within the graduate funding world. The AAUW wants to see a commitment to the issues facing women and girls. The Ford Foundation wants to see a commitment to diverse communities. Even the NSF and […]
Responding to Short Answer Questions Effectively
Short answer questions are an important part of the external fellowship application, therefore, you should put a significant amount of effort into crafting your answers. While presenting a thoughtful and concise response, be sure to demonstrate experiences that support your understanding of and commitment to the goals of the program. Answer the exact question being […]
The Power of Small Grants (Throwback Thursday)
Series note: The following post is part of the GradFund Throwback Thursday blog series. Each week we will repost one of our most popular blog posts from years past. If you are interested in learning more about research grants and fellowships to support your graduate study, be sure to visit the GradFund Database. Nearly every graduate student seeking […]
Commitment to Enhancing Diversity
Several grants, fellowships, and postdoctoral fellowships now explicitly ask applicants to express their commitment to enhancing diversity. The Ford Foundation in particular has among its core goals to increase diversity in the professoriate by supporting not only graduate students who are themselves from underrepresented groups, but also those who can demonstrate an ongoing commitment to […]
Funding Archival Research (Throwback Thursday)
Series note: The following post is part of the GradFund Throwback Thursday blog series. Each week we will repost one of our most popular blog posts from years past. If you are interested in learning more about research grants and fellowships to support your graduate study, be sure to visit the GradFund Database. Will your thesis or dissertation […]
Revision Roundup: Advice from our Archives
With the fall fellowship and grant application season in full swing, today we bring you a roundup of some of our most useful advice on how to solicit and respond to feedback as you complete those final revisions on your application. Are you reapplying for an award this season? If so, be sure to consult reviewer […]
Working with Feedback (Throwback Thursday)
Series note: The following post is part of the GradFund Throwback Thursday blog series. Each week we will repost one of our most popular blog posts from years past. If you are interested in learning more about research grants and fellowships to support your graduate study, be sure to visit the GradFund Database. Revision is the hardest part […]
Formatting: Style and Function
So… You wrote a great proposal. You’re feeling pretty good about it. Wait. What just happened? It turns out your margins were too narrow, causing it to fall out of the first round of screening. Those pesky formatting guidelines… Formatting guidelines are a big part of the port and polish on your proposal. Every funder […]
Bringing it Full Circle (Throwback Thursday)
Series note: The following post is part of the GradFund Throwback Thursday blog series. Each week we will repost one of our most popular blog posts from years past. If you are interested in learning more about research grants and fellowships to support your graduate study, be sure to visit the GradFund Database. Somewhere along the way through […]
Managing Application Anxieties in 7 Steps
As graduate students, we experience some level of stress with school work, finances, assistantships and much more. Applying for external funding can feel overwhelming at times. It is “normal” to feel anxious about the process and while we cannot completely eliminate stress from our lives, we can manage it, become more productive, and feel better about ourselves. […]