Fellowship is awarded for twelve months’ residence, study, and research at Harvard Business School. The fellowship is open to scholars who, within the last ten years, have received a PhD in history, economics, or a related discipline.
by Postdoctoral Support
Postdoctoral Support
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Predoctoral Fellowships for Historians of American Art to Travel Abroad
The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts offers up to six fellowships to doctoral students in art history who are studying aspects of art and architecture of the United States, including native and pre-Revolutionary America. This fellowship is for a period of six to eight weeks of continuous travel abroad in areas such […]
Clay Postdoctoral Fellowship
Four-year postdoctoral research fellowship is available at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). Research programs at the CfA include instrumentation, observation, and theory in atomic and molecular physics, geophysics, the solar system, stars, galaxies, and cosmology.
Harvard-Smithsonian Center Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships
Recent Ph.D. recipients in atomic and molecular physics, geophysics, the solar system, astronomy, astrophysics or cosmology, with interests in theory, observation, instrumentation and/or laboratory research are invited to apply for the CfA Postdoctoral Fellowship.
The Gaius Charles Bolin Dissertation and Post-MFA Fellowship
This fellowship provides two years of in-residence support for PhD and MFA students. Fellows devote the first year to dissertation completion or portofio building and the second year is spent on career development.
Royal Anthropological Institute Fellowship in Urgent Anthropology
This program supports ethnographic research on currently threatened indigenous peoples, cultures and languages. The program lasts for 18 months and covers field research and write-up. The write-up times is spent at a host university in the UK. Applicants must have a doctoral degree or have completed the requirements for the degree. Application deadline is commonly […]
Postdoctoral Programs
The Postdoctoral Program brings together postdoctoral fellows and Genentech scientists for their mutual benefit. The primary aim is for Genentech scientists to train postdocs to conduct research of the highest possible quality in scientific areas of interest to the postdoc and the company.
Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Earth, Environmental and Ocean Sciences
up to 2 years of support. Lamont’s mission is to understand the fundamental dynamics of our planet from the core to the uppermost reaches of our atmosphere and their interaction with living organisms and human systems.
Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
Scholars who have received their Ph.D. degree within four years in any field of inquiry in the humanities or humanistic social sciences-broadly conceived-are invited to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship, made possible through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to Wesleyan University.
L’Oreal – Unesco for Women in Science Fellowship
The L’Oreal USA Fellowships for Women in Science program is a national awards program that annually recognizes and rewards five U.S.-based women researchers at the beginning of their scientific careers. Recipients receive up to $60,000 each that they must put towards their postdoctoral research. The L’Oreal USA Fellowships for Women in Science program is a […]