Awards will be given to assist student-members to attend the annual meeting of the Phycological Society of America. All students who wish to attend the PSA meeting are invited to apply using the travel award application. All other factors equivalent, students who will present their research at the meeting (lecture or poster) will be given […]
by Phycological Society of America
Phycological Society of America
Hannah T. Croasdale Fellowship
This program is designed to encourage graduate students to broaden their phycological training by attending phycology courses at biological field stations. The purpose of the award is to broaden phycological training, not necessarily to further research goals.
Grants-in-Aid of Research Program
This program is designed to aid graduate students conducting research in phycology by making grants to defray research expenses. Grants are made in the amount of up to $1,500. Awards are intended to enable the student to accomplish work otherwise not possible. Awards are made directly to the student. No part of the award may […]
Bold Award for Conference Presentation
Students are invited to participate in the Harold C. Bold Award competition, awarded for the outstanding student research presentation at the Annual PSA Meeting. This award, named in honor of the late Professor Harold C. Bold, has been awarded at PSA Annual Meetings since 1974. The winner will be awarded a certificate and monetary prize. […]
Lewin Poster Award
The Ralph A. Lewin Poster Award competition will be held at the annual PSA meeting under the following criteria: An individual applying to be considered for the Lewin Poster Award must be a student of no more than one year past graduation at the time of the meeting where the work is presented and must […]