The Ransom Center will award more than 50 fellowships for projects that require substantial on-site use of its collections. The fellowships support research in all areas of the humanities, including literature, photography, film, art, the performing arts, music, and cultural history.
by Less than an Academic Year
Less than an Academic Year
Cotsen Travelling Fellowship for Research in Greece
Short term travel-to-collection award for senior scholars and graduate students for projects and research at the Gennadius Library. $2,000 is provided and at least one month of residency required.
Wiener Laboratory Travel Grants
Travel grants of $2,000 for graduate students or postdoctoral scholars from North American institutions are available for projects in archaeological science in Greece. Preference will be given to those who anticipate carrying out the majority of their research at the Wiener Laboratory in Athens.
W.D.E. Coulson and Toni Cross Aegean Exchange Program
Short-term fellowships for Greek nationals and members of Greek universities (doctoral and postdoctoral) to pursue research in Turkey under the auspices of the American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT). Stipend of $250 per week plus airfare.
Travel Stipends
The Ransom Center will award more than 50 fellowships for projects that require substantial on-site use of its collections. The fellowships support research in all areas of the humanities, including literature, photography, film, art, the performing arts, music, and cultural history.
Pre-dissertation Grants for Research in China
These pre-dissertation grants provide funding for doctoral candidates to explore venues and make preliminary research arrangements, and to gain advice from potential collaborators regarding subsequent research in China.
Mediterranean Regional Research Fellowships
This regional fellowship program, sponsored by the Mellon Foundation, enables pre- and early post-doctoral scholars to carry out research in the humanities and related social sciences in countries bordering the Mediterranean and served by American overseas research centers.
Title VIII Research Scholar Program
The American Councils Research Scholar Program provides full support for graduate students, faculty, and independent scholars seeking to conduct in-country, independent research for 3-9 consecutive months in Central Asia, Moldova, Russia, the South Caucasus, Southeast Europe, and Ukraine.
Henry Belin du Pont Dissertation Fellowship
The fellowships are designed for Ph.D. candidates whose research on important historical questions would benefit from use of Hagley’s research collections. The residential fellowship provides $6500, free housing on Hagley’s grounds, and office; the fellowship term is four months.
Title VIII Summer Research Scholarships
The Kennan Institute Summer Research Scholarships support policy-relevant research focusing on Russian and other countries of Eurasia. Scholars who are able to demonstrate a particular need to utilize the library, archival, and other specialized resources of the Washington, D.C. area.