Provides short-term support for exchanges of US scientists interested in collaborating with EU laboratoires in the field of microbiology; the exchanges are designed to foster transatlantic collaborative interactions and enhance professional development of the exhange fellow through the acquisition of expertise in microbial environmental biotechnology. The fellowship will support visits from one to six months in a host EU laboratory, including travel, housing, and a living. Salary and routine laboratory supplies are NOT covered. ELIGIBILITY for U.S. Applicants: US citizens or permanent residents; Scientists from their second year of predoctoral studies through the award of their PhD and seven years beyond are welcome to apply; and have training in the field of microbiology with a demonstrable interest in environmental aspects as a professional goal. **Different requirements exist for EU citizens** See website for additional information. *Rolling application deadline**
Amount: Check funder
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: United States-EU Task Force on Biotechnology Research
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen