Knowles Science Teaching Foundation is recruiting men and women for their Mathematics and Science Teaching Fellowships. The physical science fellowships support those who have a degree in a physical science (for example, physics, chemistry or astronomy) or engineering and are committed to teach high school physics, physical science, chemistry and/or Earth science. The mathematics fellowships support individuals with at least a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent in mathematics.
In addition, KSTF is recruiting for the new Biological Science Teaching Fellowships which will begin in June 2008. KSTF is seeking men and women with a comprehensive understanding of contemporary biology such as systems biology, mathematical, or model-based biology including bioinformatics and computational biology. KSTF is looking for those with a commitment to changing the content and instructional focus of high school biology. These teaching fellowships are renewable for up to five years.
Amount: Check funder
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: Janet H. and C. Harry Knowles Foundation
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen