Any individual or organization conducting nonprofit research consistent with the interests and activities of the Mazamas is eligible to submit a proposal in any of the categories. Most successful applicants are graduate students or experienced scientists performing field studies in the Pacific Northwest. Need to be Mazamas members.
The Mazamas Research Committee evaluates Standard Research Grant proposals using the
following criteria:
- Relationship to Mazamas’ goals of conserving and increasing the understanding of mountain environments (particularly relating to the Pacific Northwest), and enhancing the enjoyment and safety of mountain recreation. Your proposal will garner particular attention if it addresses issues that are local to the Pacific Northwest (primarily OR and
WA), or have clear connectedness to climbing and transfer value to Pacific Northwest climbing, or are timely global ones related to Mazamas’ goals. Other proposals generally are discouraged, although you should feel free to contact the Mazamas if you have a
different concept that you think might be appropriate for submission.
- Scientific merit as judged by the originality; reasonableness; significance in relation to
previous work on this subject; scientifically sound methods; adequate assessment techniques; sound statistical methods; and potential significance of the project’s goals and methods.
- Likelihood of success at meeting the scientific objectives and communicating project results to appropriate audiences.
- Potential for compounded benefits, such as student career advancement and other forms
of resource development, support for and impact on community and governmental organizations, and proposals for new initiatives that may attract additional funding.
- Reasonableness of the budget request.
- Quality of proposal presentation, including readability, organization, and satisfaction of
the requirements listed under “Conditions of Awards” and “Application Procedure.”
Amount: $3,500
Deadline: Check deadline
Previously 01/28/1999
Funder: Mazamas
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen