Any full-time student in good standing is eligible to receive an award plus gratis meeting registration. Top priority will be given to students presenting papers at the meeting, with second priority to students who are co-authors of papers to be presented at the meetings. Only students traveling more than 100 miles to the meetings are eligible for the awards. In order to provide more time for applicants to budget for the travel to SIAM conferences, SIAM has changed the deadlines for travel award applications for conferences in 2010 and beyond. In most cases, the deadline for complete applications is approximately seven months before the first day of the conference for which support is requested, and awardees will be notified by e-mail five months before the first day of the meeting. Checks for the awards will be given to the awardees when they arrive at the conference and check in at the SIAM Registration Desk.
Amount: $550
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen