-Initiated members, collegian and alumnae, of Kappa Alpha Theta in good standing with the Fraternity.
-New members may apply, but should be initiated by the application deadline.
-Applicants who expect to have eligible academic expenses (see below) not funded by other scholarships or grants in the academic year for which they are applying.
-Toward academic expenses, including tuition, books, and course-related fees for undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
-During any term in the academic year for which they are awarded. Unused scholarship dollars must be returned to Theta Foundation and cannot be held by the recipient for future academic study.
-Full-time or part-time study.
Scholarship applications are due in February each year and scholarships are awarded each June for use in the upcoming academic year. Visit funder website for more information.
Amount: Check funder
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: Alpha Kappa Theta
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen
URL: http://www.kappaalphathetafoundation.org/receive/scholarships/