Program provides professional development certificate study in peace and conflict resolution for individuals with established careers. Participants study in one of two three month sessions held at one of six Rotary centers for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution. A portion of each session is dedicated to class study of theoretical elements while the remaining portion is spent in the field applying theoretical knowledge.
ELIGIBILITY: Hold an earned undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university or its international equivalent (based on a four-year curriculum); have proficiency in a second language (including the language of the proposed host university; see University Partners for individual Rotary Center language requirements); possess excellent leadership skills; demonstrate a commitment to peace and international understanding through service, academic, or professional achievements; hold citizenship in a country where there is a Rotary club.
Application must be made through a Rotary club in the area of the applicant’s legal or permanent residence or place of full-time study or employment. Persons with disabilities and members of Rotary clubs are eligible and encouraged to apply.
Visit funder website for more information.
Amount: Check funder
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: Rotary Foundation
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen