The postdoc will be involved in research and development of Fluid-Structure Interaction and Bio-Fluid Dynamics. The CFD division at IHPC is currently involved in research in FSI applied to Underwater hydrodynamics & sloshing. More resources are being provided to expand the current efforts to bio-fluid dynamics involving coupled dynamics of bio-fluid flow and cardiovascular tissues.Those who have obtained a Ph.D within the last 3 years and aged not more than 35 years are eligible to apply. The candidate should have experience in developing CFD codes. Exposure to unstructured techniques & parallel computing would be an added advantage. Knowledge or experience in structural analysis and bio-fluid dynamics would be desirable but not necessary. Interested applicants could forward their resume at the e-mail contact given below.
Amount: Check funder
Deadline: Check deadline
Previously 03/31/2002
Funder: National University of Singapore
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen