AICR’s Post-Doctoral Grant Awards are designed to encourage new researchers to enter the field of nutrition- cancer research and to explore innovative research ideas that are often difficult or impossible to fund from traditional sources. This program is open to post-doctoral trainees (not for academic appointment holders or independent investigators) at non-profit universities, hospitals or research centers and provides two-year grants of up to $38,000 (no indirect costs are allowed) per year, and cannot be renewed. The post-doctoral applicant must have a Ph.D., or equivalent degree, or M.D. degree that was awarded no more than four years prior to the date of application. The applicant must also be sponsored by a professor from the laboratory in which the applicant is to perform the research.
Visit funder for updated deadline information and application details.
Amount: $380,002
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: American Institute for Cancer Research
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen