NIAS Fellows are selected from prominent researchers and senior scholars in the humanities and social sciences who have already made a significant contribution to their field. Scholarly achievements, reputation and quality of publications are aspects considered in the evaluation process. Fellows from universities or institutes outside the Netherlands receive financial stipends, which are determined by the Rector on the basis of individual circumstances. NIAS strives to ensure a reasonable level of support, but the stipend may not always be sufficient. Fellows are responsible for supplementing their means of support.
The maximum stipend that NIAS can award does not exceed half the gross annual salary of a university professor of equal rank and seniority in the Netherlands. In practice, this means that full financial stipends range from approximately ¿ 2000 to ¿ 3900 per month.
Free accomodation is offered to unaccompanied fellows and housing at subsidised rates to fellows who bring their partners or families. Accomodation is offered in apartments on NIAS grounds and family homes in Wassenaar.
The Institute will reimburse fellows’ travel costs to and from NIAS (not family).
Please note, that NIAS is a residential institute and that regular fellowships are awarded for advanced research during a full academic year, running from 1 September till 30 June, although a five-month period is also possible. NIAS does not provide fellowships for training programmes or educational purposes. Nor does it offer courses, or financial support to conduct research elsewhere.
Amount: Check funder
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen