The Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB), the leading biological research institute in Singapore, conducts fundamental research in selected areas of molecular, cellular and developmental biology, and medical-relevant fields. Research in the IMCB is currently being carried out in the following areas: signal transduction; cell movement and adhesion; protein trafficking and polarity; DNA repair and transcription; apoptosis; cancer; stem cells; immunology; zebrafish genetics and development; Fugu genomics; Drosophila neurobiology; yeast molecular biology; microbial bio-signaling; hepatitis and coronavirus; fungal pathogenesis; structural biology; and functional proteomics. The IMCB is inviting applications from new PhD graduates and postdoctoral fellows with interest or experience in any of the above or related programs. Applicants should have at least one first author English language publication in a recognized international journal. Renewable contracts are normally for three years, and there are good opportunities for career advancement. ***Contact funder to learn if there is any specific deadline for application.***
Amount: Check funder
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen