Policy Research Grants are open to any interested researcher. Any proposal related to employment issues will be considered, but the Institute encourages research relevant to labor market issues of the recent recession and current recovery.
Grantees under this program should produce two distinct products: 1) a Research Paper and 2) a Policy Brief. The
Research Paper should be suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal and will be included in the Upjohn
Institute Working Paper series. The Policy Brief focuses on the policy implications of the analysis presented
in the Research Paper and is intended to be accessible to practitioners and policymakers. Policy Briefs will be
posted on the Upjohn Institute Web site and may be distributed in paper copy by the Institute’s Publications
Unit. The research findings and policy recommendations may also be summarized in Employment Research, the
Institute’s quarterly newsletter.
***This grant cannot be used to fund dissertation research.***
Amount: $10,000
Deadline: Check deadline
Previously 02/01/1999
Funder: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen