The current program emphasizes: research methods appropriate to the study of aging and the aged, including survey research, secondary data analysis, longitudinal analysis, qualitative methods, and evaluation research; the substantive, theoretical, and methodological issues in examining the determinants of successful aging (including physical, psychological, social, religious and spiritual, socioeconomic, racial (ethnic and cultural diversity); a multidisciplinary focus; and conduct of scientific research in applied settings.
Its goal is to develop researchers who will contribute to the theoretical and empirical knowledge base for determining policies and programs that can enhance the well-being of aging individuals. Faculty are associated with the Doctoral Program in Social Work and Social Science, joined by other faculty from the Departments of Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Economics, Public Health, Nursing, and the Institute for Social Research.
A program of one-two years is tailored for each fellow. Core components are work with faculty mentors on a research project and a multidisciplinary seminar on issues in implementing, conducting and generating advances in applied research on aging. Supervision in writing for publication is also stressed. A seminar typically meets weekly during the Fall term and periodically during the Winter term. All fellows are expected to be active participants in this seminar. Social science courses relevant to the social processes of aging and the social functioning of the aged, social work courses on services for older adults, and courses on gerontological research methods, with a focus on the conduct of survey research, secondary analysis of archived data, longitudinal analysis, quantitative methods, and evaluation research are also available.
Fellows are expected to devote full-time to their postdoctoral training studies during the entire period of their appointment. During any appointment period, fellows may not accept any employment or supplementation without obtaining permission in advance from the co-directors of the program. Relevant employment that averages out to a 25% level across each annual fellowship appointment period is assumed to be the maximum level appropriate to the full-time commitment to the training program required by Federal regulations.
Amount: Check funder
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: University of Michigan
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen