Jefferson Science Associates, LLC (JSA) plans to award eight fellowships to doctoral
program graduate students at SURA member universities for research related to the Thomas Jefferson
National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) in Newport News, VA. Seven awards are for research related to the theoretical and experimental programs of the Lab,
including nuclear and related particle physics, accelerator physics, and associated science and engineering.
An additional fellowship is available for research related to the Lab’s free electron laser program.
JSA will award an amount equal to one-half of a normal academic year (~9 months) research assistant
stipend paid by the awardee’s home institution (the other matching half to be paid by the institution either
from institutional funds or research funds provided by the awardee?s supervisor) plus a supplemental stipend
of $2000 and an additional $2000 for university approved research travel support for the student.
Awards are based on competitive evaluation of academic qualifications, references, plan of study, research
potential and relevance to the Jefferson Lab research program. If applications for the FEL program fail to
measure up in quality to other applications, the eighth fellowship may be awarded for research in nuclear
physics and related theoretical and experimental research programs of the Jefferson Lab.
Amount: Check funder
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: Southeastern Universities Research Association
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen