Applications are invited for grants from the Swan Fund, which is administered by the Pitt Rivers Museum of the University of Oxford. Grants are awarded for archaeological and anthropological field research within the areas of the Later Stone Age prehistory of southern Africa and the study of the contemporary Bushman and Pygmy peoples of Africa. Research on museum collections relating to these fields may also be supported, as may the costs of publishing the results of fieldwork that has been aided by the fund.
ELIGIBILITY: Applications are invited from graduate students and established researchers. Most of the successful applicants are graduates, but all applications that are clearly within the scope of the fund will be considered. The program is open to candidates not associated with the University of Oxford. No restrictions apply to nationality. **Contact funder for application details**
Amount: Check funder
Deadline: Check deadline
Previously 03/01/1999
Funder: Pitt Rivers Museum
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen