The Yerby Postdoctoral Fellowship Program aims to expand the diversity of those entering academia in the field of Public Health. Each fellow is associated with a faculty mentor who assists in the transition to an academic career. With the help of their faculty mentor, fellows establish their own research agenda, present their research in school and national settings, gain experience in publishing papers in peer-reviewed journals and in obtaining grant support, participate in teaching related to their field, and learn to develop their own courses. Fellows also participate in other activities designed to involve them fully in the formal and informal life of the academic community. Yerby fellows receive a competitive salary with benefits for one year, renewable for a second year. Up to five new fellowships are awarded annually.
Applicants must be first-generation college graduates, or a member of a group that is currently underrepresented in academic public health (e.g. African Americans, Hispanic; Native American; or Pacific Islander), having research interests that are relevant to diversity or would promote diversity and reduce disparities in health. All applicants must have a doctorate degree. Applicants may have completed their doctorates in any of a number of fields.
Amount: $55,000
Deadline: Check deadline
Previously 11/15/2019
Funder: Harvard University
Discipline: Biological Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Social Sciences
Award Type:
Degree: PhD
Stage of Study: Postdoctoral Support
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen
Activity: Research/Study