This program is designed to aid graduate students conducting research in phycology by making grants to defray research expenses. Grants are made in the amount of up to $1,500. Awards are intended to enable the student to accomplish work otherwise not possible. Awards are made directly to the student. No part of the award may be used to pay indirect costs to the applicant’s institution. All funds must be expended to support the proposed investigation. Supplies and equipment purchased shall become the property of the institution.
Selection of recipients will be based primarily on the applicant’s research proposal and two supporting letters. Additional criteria will include evidence of past research achievements and the perceived future of the applicant as a researcher. Students can receive a maximum of two Grants in Aid awards in the course of their graduate education. Stipends are not funded. Travel to scientific meetings should be requested from other PSA programs. Tuition and expenses for taking critical techniques courses not available at the home institution will be considered. If an earlier notification is required for acceptance into a summer course or workshop, the applicant should note this on her/his application.
Amount: $1,500
Deadline: Check deadline
Previously 11/01/2018
Funder: Phycological Society of America
Discipline: Biological Sciences
Award Type:
Degree: PhD
Stage of Study: Predoctoral/postdoctoral
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen
Activity: Research/Study