Standard Drugs and Drug Standards: A comparative historical study of pharmaceuticals in the 20th century (DRUGS) DRUGS is a European Science Foundation (ESF) Research Networking Program ( Exchange Grants for visits of 4 to 24 weeks to network member institutions, open to
postgraduate students, post-doctoral researchers, early career researchers, and established researchers.
Using the theme of standardization, applied both to objects and practices, the Network is exploring the development of twentieth-century medicine by looking at the production, distribution, prescription and consumption of major classes of therapeutic agents, such as sulfa-drugs, hormones, and psycho-active drugs. The aim is to evaluate the contribution of industrial, administrative and clinical standardization to the “therapeutic revolution” (1920-1990) in which a series of “miracle” drugs changed the face of Western medicine.
The Exchange Program enables postgraduate students, post-doctoral researchers, early career researchers, and established researchers to spend a period of between 4 and 24 weeks at groups within the Network to work on specific topics. The exchange can be split into a number of visits of shorter duration, for example, a 6-week visit may be taken in periods of 2 and 4 weeks. In addition, an applicant may apply to divide their exchange between more than one host.
Application deadline is commonly in March. Visit funder website for more information.
Amount: $1,600
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: European Science Foundation
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen