The Smith Richardson Foundation’s Domestic Public Policy Program seeks to support the work of the next generation of public policy researchers and analysts. In 2008, the Foundation will award at least three research grants in the amount of $60,000 each to individuals who are interested in conducting research and writing on domestic public policy issues. Grantees are expected to produce a book or an article suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The grant can be used to cover the salary costs of the researcher and to underwrite research costs, such as travel, research assistance, and data acquisition. Each grant will be paid directly to, and should be administered by, the institution at which the researcher works.
Preference will be given to proposals that address policy issues that have been priority areas for the Foundation’s Domestic Public Policy Program during the past three years: education and school reform; income support and anti-poverty policy; child and youth development; public finance; policies related to public entitlement programs, including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid; urban and criminal justice policy; regulatory policy, including environmental policy; immigration policy; and the political process.
Fellowships will only be awarded to individual researchers and not to research teams. An applicant must have received a Ph.D. after January 1, 2002. He or she must hold a position as a full-time faculty member at a college or university or as a full-time fellow at a public policy think tank or research organization in the United States. An applicant should explain how he or she meets these requirements in the cover letter to his or her research proposal.
Amount: $60,000
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: Smith Richardson Foundation
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen