The purpose of this program is to build the learned leadership of the church by providing doctoral fellowships to outstanding seminary graduates planning teaching careers in theological education in the Episcopal Church in the United States.
Individuals seeking support must be seniors or recent graduates of an accredited seminary who have been nominated to the Foundation by one of the eleven Episcopal seminaries or by Harvard Divinity School or Union Theological Seminary of New York. Scholars who are not graduates of these institutions should ask the Foundation for guidance in obtaining a courtesy nomination. Applicants must hold a master’s-level seminary degree, but they do not have to be ordained or seeking ordination. Priority consideration is given to applicants who are in the early stages of their doctoral studies. Applicants must be communicants in good standing of a parish of the Episcopal Church in the United States.
Amount: $15,000
Deadline: Check deadline
Previously 03/13/2015
Funder: Episcopal Church Foundation
Duration: Multi-Year
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen