The National Library of Medicine Associate Fellowship Program is a one-year postgraduate training fellowship at the NLM in Bethesda, Maryland, with an optional second year program component. The program is designed to prepare librarians for future leadership roles in health sciences libraries and in health services research. The Associate Fellows are introduced to a wide range of technologies and skills used in managing information at a national library. The program provides an opportunity to: Gain exposure to and experience in many of the concepts, skills, and technologies that are shaping the future of the library and information fields; Explore the role of research and development activities in providing biomedical information services to the health professions; Examine current issues and trends affecting the library and information fields.
Prepare for future leadership roles in traditional and nontraditional settings in the fields of librarianship and information science.
**Appointments for Associate Fellows are made for one year with a stipend of $51,630 plus a monthly health insurance stipend. The NLM Associate Fellowship Program includes an optional second year at a library or information center in an academic health sciences center, hospital, or other health-related organization. The additional year provides an opportunity to develop skills and gain experience in working with administrators, librarians, health professionals, system developers, and educators to design and implement information services that are integrated with clinical and/or educational programs and contribute directly to accomplishing the parent institution’s mission.
Deadline is commonly in early February. Visit funder website for more information.
Amount: $51,630
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: National Library of Medicine
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen