The primary purpose of the fund shall be to encourage the study of specimens of macrofungi, fleshy Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes, collected by Alexander H. Smith and his associates. These collections, and materials relating to them, are currently deposited at the University of Michigan Herbarium. The Fund will distribute grants-in-aid to coverall or a significant part of the expense of visiting the Herbarium and working with the collections and materials relating to them.
ELIGIBILITY: Grants may be made available to members of the Mycological Society of America who are working actively on the taxonomy or floristics of the fleshy fungi, with the main emphasis on supporting high quality research. Professional and trained “amateur” (i.e. para-professional) mycologists are eligible and are encouraged to submit proposals.
Amount: $1,200
Deadline: Check deadline
Previously 02/15/1999
Funder: Mycological Society of America
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen