Fellowships are offered to high-potential undergraduate and graduate students whose studies relate to concrete and are identified by ACI-Member Faculty. The Student Fellowship can have a nominal term of up to two academic years, renewed annually, and may extend through graduate study. Annual renewal will be subject to renomination and reapplication. These awards are granted based on the availability of contributions received.
Students: In order to receive an application and be considered for an ACI Foundation Fellowship, you must be nominated by a faculty member who is also an ACI member. After a student is formally nominated, the ACI Foundation will email an official application directly to the nominated student. To search for ACI-Member faculty in your area, please visit the ACI Faculty Network page. (ACI staff will not find nominations for applications and will not accept self-nominations.)
Application deadline is commonly in October or November; visit funder website for exact date.
Amount: $10,000
Deadline: Check deadline
Funder: American Concrete Institute
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen