A candidate shall be a graduate veterinarian, an AABP member and registered in a masters or doctoral program at an accredited North American veterinary college (school), a college with a veterinary science department, or a candidate shall be a North American bovine practitioner and AABP member conducting a scientific research project. he research award shall be on a competitive basis. Research topics shall be in the general field of bovine health and management. Selection criteria for the AABP Research Assistantship include the applicant’s qualifications and experience, the justification and relevance to the concerns of industry, the clarity of objectives and probability of completing the research, methodology and scientific merit, budget, and site suitability for proposed research. The period of the award shall be for one year. A successful candidate may re-apply in the competition in a following year. The award shall be for 12 months and payment shall be made in two equal installments.
Visit funder website for more information.
Amount: $10,000
Deadline: Check deadline
Previously 02/01/1999
Funder: American Association of Bovine Practitioners
Award Type:
Stage of Study:
International Travel:
Citizenship: International, U.S. Citizen