Seminar designed to familarize graduate students and junior faculty with numismatic methodology. Students will also gain practical experience in working with coins at the ANS’s New York collection.
by Prize
Division 12 Graduate Student Awards
Several awards for student affiliates of Division 12 (Clinical Psychology) are available. They may include the Distinguished Student Research Award in Clinical Psychology, Distinguished Student Practice Award in Clinical Psychology, and Distinguished Student Service Award in Clinical Psychology.
APAGS Outstanding Professional Development Program Award
The purpose of this $500 award is to encourage students to submit proposals for APAGS’ convention programming and to attend and participate in the annual APA Convention. All accepted program submissions that meet the criteria are automatically nominated to receive this award.
Kenneth and Barbara Starks Plant Resistance to Insects Graduate Student Research Award
This grant encourages research by graduate students in the field of plant resistance to insects in entomology or plant breeding/genetics. The grant made annually consist of a plaque and a research grant dependent on the interest earned from the endowment. The grant is awarded to a graduate student in entomology or plant breeding/genetics for innovative […]
BMI Student Composer Awards for Classical Composers
These awards are given for compositions – instrumental, vocal, or electronic (or any combination thereof) – submitted by students actively engaged in the study of music. Applicants must be citizens of countries in the Western Hemisphere, currently studying music, and under the age of 28.
Harold T. Pinkett Minority Student Award
This award pays for graduate students of diverse backgrounds to travel to the Society of American Archivists conference. Each recipient receives full complimentary registration and related expenses for hotel and travel to attend the SAA Annual Meeting during the year the fellowship is received.
Doctoral Dissertation Award
ACM established the Doctoral Dissertation Award program to recognize and encourage superior research and writing by doctoral candidates in computer science and engineering. The award of $20,000 is presented to the author of the best doctoral dissertation, and the dissertation is published by ACM.
Graduate Student Ethics Prize
This $1,000 prize is open to APAGS members currently enrolled in a psychology graduate program. Submissions must be written in APA style and may not exceed 25 double-spaced pages (including tables and references). Submissions may not have been previously published or submitted for publication.
Justin G. Schiller Prize for Bibliographical Work in Pre-20th-Century Children’s Books
Intended to encourage scholarship in the bibliography of historical children’s books. Submissions for the Schiller Prize may concentrate on any children’s book printed before the year 1901 in any country or any language, but must be written in English. They should be based on investigations into bibliography and printing history broadly conceived and should focus […]
PDK Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Awards
These biennial awards recognize scholars who show promise for noteworthy contributions to educational research. Competition is open to both members and non-members, but all aplicants must be nominated by a Phi Delta Kappa chapter. The nominee’s major field must be in education, or the dissertation must focus on an educational topic.