GradFund Checklists Series

By Fellowship Advisor
This post is the second in a series that proposes checklists for graduate students to use as they navigate the external funding landscape and pursue resources to support their studies and research. These checklists, while not comprehensive, feature suggested tasks to help guide students in the process of developing and implementing an individualized funding plan, in coordination with their advisors and graduate program directors. Check List #1 here.
Checklist No. 2: Questions to Ask When Reviewing a Funder’s Website
–– What information does the funder provide about its mission and goals?
__ What fields of study are applicants eligible to apply from, and during what stage of study (e.g., pre-dissertation)?
–– What are the citizenship requirements for this award? Do I need to be a resident of a particular state or locality?
–– Does the funder prioritize diversity?
–– Is membership (e.g., in a professional association) required to be eligible to apply?
__ Does the funder allow fellows or grantees to receive other awards concurrently? If so, are there any limitations or stipulations?
__ Are any sample proposals provided?
__ Does the funder provide a list of past recipients? Have applicants from my institution, in my field of study, or with a similar research topic received this award?
__ What details are available about the application review process, such as the review criteria or the disciplinary composition of review panels?
__ When does the funder ordinarily announce results of the award competition?
__ Does the award come with any service or residency requirements for the period after I complete my degree?
__ Does the funder specify a program officer whom I may contact with questions as I prepare my application materials?
For further guidance, see “How to Identify What Reviewers Want?” and “Eligibility vs. Competitiveness: Understanding the Difference and Why it Matters.”