Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash
As we enter the graduate student fall fellowship and grant deadline season, we are pleased to launch the GradFund Webinar Series for the fall 2020 semester.
GradFund has offered webinars on best practices in grantsmanship for graduate students since 2018. Many of the sessions are recorded and available for viewing in the GradFund Resources space which is accessible to the Rutgers community here.
Members of the Rutgers community are welcome to join the GradFund Resources space through sharepoint here or Microsoft Teams here.
We have a full schedule of webinars, virtual office hours and virtual Q&A with the GradFund advising team that will take place in August, September and October, starting next Monday, August 31.
The full schedule with meeting links can be accessed on GradFund Resource Teams here or the GradFund Resources Box Folder here.
To supplement our Fall 2020 live virtual offerings, we have several recorded webinars from previous years that are available to the Rutgers community for viewing.
Recorded webinars currently available include:
Fall 2020 Best Practices in Grantsmanship
Diversity in Grant Writing (September 23, 2020) Webinar Link
Introduction to GradFund, Fellowships, Grants and Scholarships
Welcome to GradFund: An Introduction to Our Services (September 1, 2020) Webinar Link
Identifying Funding
Tips for Researching Grant and Fellowship Opportunities in the GradFund and Pivot Databases (Spring 2020) Webinar link
Applying to the Fulbright IIE
Fulbright IIE Information Session (August 31, 2020) Webinar Link
Applying to the NSF
Applying for the NSF GRF (Fall 2019) Webinar link
Applying to the NSF as a Graduate Student (Fall 2019) Webinar link
Student Perspective on Applying for the NSF GRF (Fall 2018) Link
Graduate Student Reflections on Applying for Funding Successfully
Perspectives on the Application Process (Fall 2018) Link
The Organizational Structure of an Application (Fall 2018) Link
Making Yourself Memorable in Your Fellowship Application (Fall 2018) Link
Standing out as an Applicant (Fall 2018) Link
Writing about the Future You (Fall 2018) Link
Best Practices for Securing Letters of Recommendation (Fall 2018) Link
Life as a Fellow (Fall 2018) Link
In addition to our webinars, GradFund advisors and peer mentors are available to meet one-on-one with graduate students to provide feedback on application materials in development. Individual appointments can be booked through our WCOnline site here.