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On Campus Deadline: Tuesday, December 20th at 9:00am
The Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship offers graduate school fellowships in any recognized field of study in the humanities, social sciences or natural sciences (including law, medicine, engineering, architecture or other formal professional training). Applicants must be US citizens.
Fellowship applicants must demonstrate both academic excellence and financial need. Applicants must be attending a designated college or university; Rutgers – New Brunswick is a designated university. Fellowships include support for the cost of tuition as well as an $18,000 stipend for living expenses.
Rutgers University-New Brunswick is allowed to nominate 3 students for the Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship. Rutgers-New Brunswick graduate students are invited to apply to be nominated.
Rutgers University-New Brunswick graduate students who would like to request an application in order to be considered for nomination should fill out the form below. Please note that only printed copies of the application are accepted; electronic submission is not possible.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_toggle admin_label=”Toggle -Criteria” title=”Eligibility Criteria” open=”off” use_border_color=”on” border_color=”#666666″ border_style=”solid” closed_toggle_background_color=”#ffffff” icon_color=”#666666″ title_font_size=”20″ title_text_color=”#666666″ custom_css_main_element=”corner-radius: 2px;” title_font=”|on|||”]
The criteria for eligibility are as follows:
- A citizen of the United States (of any national descent)
- Attending a designated university or college (Rutgers – New Brunswick is a designated university)
- Studying in any recognized field of study in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences (including law, medicine, engineering, architecture, or other professional training)
- Pursuing a graduate degree
- Has a strong record of academic excellence, including at the undergraduate level
- Demonstrates financial need
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle admin_label=”Toggle -Application Process” title=”Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship Application Process” open=”off” use_border_color=”on” border_color=”#666666″ border_style=”solid” closed_toggle_background_color=”#ffffff” icon_color=”#666666″ title_font_size=”20″ title_text_color=”#666666″ custom_css_main_element=”corner-radius: 2px;” title_font=”|on|||”]
Step 1: Request an application form by submitting the form below. Once we have confirmed the information submitted on the form, we will email you a copy of the application form. While we make every effort to process requests as quickly as possible, please allow several business days for us to respond to your request.
Step 2: Carefully review the application form and begin to assemble your supporting documentation. Note that the application requires:
- A certified copy of all undergraduate and graduate transcripts
- Graduate exam test scores
- At least two letters of reccomendation from professors who have taught or worked closely with you.
- One copy of your FAFSA application
- One copy of your Rutgers Financial Aid Summary
- One copy of your Federal Income Tax Return for the past two years. If you are married, you must also provide your spouse’s returns
- A carefully completed copy of the application form
Step 3: Write your application materials. In addition to a CV or resume, you must include a three-page (double spaced) Statement of Purpose which addresses your course of graduate study and your career goals. More information about this essay is included in the application form.
Step 4: Submit your application. A printed copy of your application must be handed in to the Graduate School – New Brunswick, marked to the attention of Teresa M. Delcorso-Ellmann, by Tuesday, December 20th at 9:00am. Electronic submission is not possible.
Step 5: All applications received by the December 20th deadline will be reviewed by the DZL Faculty Committee. The committee will select three applications to be forwarded to the DZL competition for consideration.
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle admin_label=”Toggle -tips ” title=”Tips for Application” open=”off” use_border_color=”on” border_color=”#666666″ border_style=”solid” closed_toggle_background_color=”#ffffff” icon_color=”#666666″ title_font_size=”20″ title_text_color=”#666666″ custom_css_main_element=”corner-radius: 2px;” title_font=”|on|||”]
In order to make sure your Dolores Zohrab Liebmann application goes as smoothly as possible, please:
- Start early. The DZL fellowship requires significant supporting documentation. Begin to gather your transcripts and letters of reference early, as it will take time to obtain them.
- FAFSA forms can be complicated. Leave plenty of time to complete this process, and to ask for help if necessary. The University’s Office of Financial Aid can help you with any questions or concerns about FAFSA forms. GradFund staff is unable to answer FAFSA or financial aid related questions.
- Reach out to your letter-writers as soon as possible, and share the award’s criteria with them. If possible, share a copy of your Statement of Purpose and CV with them so that they can best speak to your qualifications and provide you with feedback on your application materials.
- Polish your Statement of Purpose carefully. This document should not only describe but also exhibit the academic excellence and professional potential for which you are being judged.
- Consider your audience. Do not assume that your readers will have any specialized knowledge about your research.
- Be prepared to print your application and submit it in hard copy in advance of our December 20th 9:00am deadline. Electronic submission is not possible. Make plans that will let you print the application comfortably in advance of the deadline.
- Anticipate any last-minute problems. Plan to submit in advance of the deadline, not at the deadline. Leave time to address any questions, concerns, or logistical issues that occur as you work on your application.
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle admin_label=”Toggle – Form” title=”Request an Application Form” open=”off” use_border_color=”on” border_color=”#666666″ border_style=”solid” closed_toggle_background_color=”#ffffff” icon_color=”#666666″ title_font_size=”20″ title_text_color=”#666666″ custom_css_main_element=”corner-radius: 2px;” title_font=”|on|||”]
To request an application form, please complete the form below. Once we receive your form and confirm the information you have provided, we will email you a copy of the DZL application form. Please note that we only process requests for application forms during business hours. While we make every effort to process requests as quickly as possible, we request that you allow us several business days to send your DZL application.
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