The Aleksander and Alicja Hertz Memorial Fellowship supports doctoral or post-doctoral research on Polish-Jewish history in the modern period, particularly Jewish-Polish relations and Jewish contributions to Polish literature and culture.
by Predoctoral/postdoctoral
Vivian Lefsky Hort Memorial Fellowship
The Vivian Lefsky Hort Memorial Fellowship supports undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate research in Eastern European Jewish literature. The fellowship supports two to three months of research at the YIVO library.
Abraham & Fannie Immerman Memorial Fellowship
The Abram and Fannie Gottlieb Immerman and Abraham Nathan and Bertha Daskal Weinstein Memorial Fellowship in Eastern European Jewish Studies, established by Mr. Brian Weinstein, is designed to support travel for Ph.D. dissertation research in archives and libraries of the Baltic states, with preference given to research on the Jews of Courland and Latvia. This […]
Abraham & Rachela Melezin Fellowship
The Abraham and Rachela Melezin Fellowship supports doctoral or post-doctoral research in the field of Lithuanian Jewish history for a period of two to three months of research at the YIVO Library and Archives. The fellowship carries a stipend of $6,000.
Hazel D. Cole fellowship at the Jewish Studies Program
The Stroum Jewish Studies Program at the University of Washington welcomes applications for the Hazel D. Cole Fellowship in Jewish Studies. The Fellowship may be used as a dissertation research/writing fellowship or for post-doctoral studies (Ph.D. received within last three years) in any field of Jewish Studies. Candidates must agree to be in residence at […]
Weatherhead Fellowships- Resident Scholar Program
Two nine-month residential fellowships are available for scholars working in the humanities or social sciences. Scholars with doctorates who plan to write their books and PhD candidates who plan to write their dissertations are eligible. The stipend is $30,000 for PhD candidates.
JSPS Fellowship Program
The SSRC/JSPS Fellowship Program for ABDs and Recent Ph.D.s provides promising and highly qualified researchers with opportunities to conduct research at leading universities and other research institutions in Japan for 3-11 or 12-24 month terms.
Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics: Fellowships & Employment
DCEG Fellowships provide opportunities for post- and pre-doctoral fellows to develop a comprehensive set of professional skills, including presenting research, organizing scientific events, mentoring, editing, and grant writing while in residence at DCEG facilities.
Grants-in-Aid of Research Program
This program is designed to aid graduate students conducting research in phycology by making grants to defray research expenses. Grants are made in the amount of up to $1,500. Awards are intended to enable the student to accomplish work otherwise not possible. Awards are made directly to the student. No part of the award may […]
Grass Fellowships in Neuroscience
With these Fellowships, The Grass Foundation encourages independent research by investigators early in their careers and increases research opportunities for persons planning careers in neurobiological investigation. Supported approaches include neurophysiology, biophysics, integrative neurobiology, neuroethology, neuroanatomy, neuropharmacology, systems neuroscience, cellular and developmental neurobiology, and computational approaches to neural systems. The Foundation also has a longstanding interest […]