Beta Phi Mu awards this scholarship to a student beginning library or information studies at an American Library Association accredited school. Applicants should not have completed more than 12 hours by the application deadline.
by Cross Stage Support
Cross Stage Support
Graduate Fellowships
Scholarship: The Foundation offers Delta Gamma graduate students $2500 fellowships annually for graduate study in any chosen field. Applicants must be dues-paying Delta Gamma alumnae or collegians who are currently enrolled in graduate school or will begin graduate school in the fall.
Classical Summer School
6-week program provides graduate students, mature undergraduates, and middle school, high school, and two-year college teachers with an understanding of the growth and development of the city of Rome by examining material remains and literary sources. Tuition scholarships are open to all applicants.
Minority Fellowship Program
$18,000 fellowship attracts talented doctoral students of ethnically diverse backgrounds to develop leadership roles and research skills in sociology. Applicants must be enrolled (and have completed one full academic year) in a sociology Ph.D. program at application.
Asian Studies Grants and Fellowships
Following areas are open for applicants: curriculum development at the college or secondary level; conferences and seminars; short research trips within USA and Taiwan for dissertation-level graduate students, and for scholars at non-research institutions, to travel to major libraries and collections in USA and Taiwan; specialist or regional newsletters disseminating important information to their respective […]
Student Research Scholarship
Bat Conservation International (BCI) requests proposals through its online application system from university students, conservation organizations, and individual researchers/conservationists interested in seeking financial support for their projects.
Solar Physics Division-Studentship Awards
Provides awards to outstanding undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in pursuing a career in solar physics to allow these students to participate actively in the annual SPD meeting (or joint summer meeting with the American Geophysical Association (AGU)/AAS, as appropriate).
William A. Fischer Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to current or prospective graduate student members of ASPRS to facilitate graduate-level studies and career goals directed towards new and innovative uses of remote sensing data/techniques that relate to the natural, cultural, or agricultural resources of the Earth.
Ta Liang Memorial Award
Awarded to graduate student members of ASPRS to facilitate research-related travel by outstanding graduate students in remote sensing. Such travel includes field investigations, agency visits, participation in conferences, or any travel that enhances or facilitates a graduate research program.
MSA Grant for Student Research in Mineralogy and Petrology
Grants for research in mineralogy and petrology from a fund created by contributions from MSA members. Students, including graduate and undergraduate students, are encouraged to apply. **This is a duplicate record. See the other active record**