Applying for external grants and fellowships is an integral part of your graduate career. From providing financial support for your education and research, to the prestige of earning recognition for your project, being awarded external funding can have a transformative impact on your graduate experience as well as your future career. Given these long-term benefits, […]
by Raptor Research Foundation, Inc.
Raptor Research Foundation, Inc.
Stephen Tully Memorial Grant
Given to support research and conservation of raptors especially to students and amateurs with limited access to alternative funding. Agency proposals are not accepted. To apply, send a proposal (no more than four pages) outlining background, the study goals and methods, anticipated budget, and a list of other funding sources, both requested and received. See […]
The Dean Amadon Grant
Designed to assist persons working in the area of distribution and systematics (taxonomy) of raptors. Systematics covers a wide array of interests from molecular work to differential migration of populations from various geographic regions, for example. Distribution also covers a wide array of interests but should have something to do with where raptors live or […]
The James R. Koplin Travel Award
For student who is the senior author and presenter of a paper or poster to be presented at the RRF meeting for which travel funds are requested. Up to $500 can be requested. The award will also include a banquet ticket. Application deadline same as deadline for meeting abstract. Visit funder website for more information.
The Leslie Brown Memorial Grant
Provides financial assistance to promote the research and/or the dissemination of information on African birds of prey. Visit funder website for more information.
William C. Anderson Memorial Award
The William C. Anderson Memorial Award is given to both the best student oral and poster presentation at the annual RRF meeting. This award can only be given to a student once per degree (bachelor, master, or doctorate). To be eligible, a student must be senior author and presenter of the paper or poster. If […]
“But I’m Just Starting Grad School”: Applying for Early Graduate Fellowships & Grants
Applying for external grants and fellowships is an integral part of your graduate career. From providing financial support for your education and research, to the prestige of earning recognition for your project, being awarded external funding can have a transformative impact on your graduate experience as well as your future career. Given these long-term benefits, […]