There will be several competitive dissertation research grants of $2,500 made for doctoral candidates with a condition that the applicant will have a matching $2,500 research fund from his/her institution.
by International Society of Biomechanics
International Society of Biomechanics
The International Travel Grant
In order to allow student members to travel abroad to experience science in other cultures, we will offer several grants of $2,500 for travel related to biomechanics research. A report on the accomplishments during the trip will be expected by the committee. Student members of ISB are eligible
The Congress Travel Grant Program
This grant is offered only in the years of an ISB Congress. Student members of ISB are eligible. The ISB Congress provides a wonderful opportunity for exchange of information and for meeting other scientists who can be influential in the development of new directions. By virtue of the need to move the congresses among different […]
The Technical Group Meeting Travel Grant Program
This grant is offered to the student members of the ISB attending the affiliated Technical Group meetings.