Award is given to the best student presentation by a Gerontological Society of America (GSA) member at the society’s annual scientific meeting.
by Gerontological Society of America
Gerontological Society of America
AARP Andrus Foundation Minority Doctoral Leadership Development
provides special opportunities for doctoral level students who have outstanding leadership potential and are committed to research careers in aging. As a doctoral fellow, a student will become a member of a prestigious network of gerontological scholars and receive a quarterly newsletter that provides important information on gerontological research funding and career development opportunities all […]
Austin Bloch Post-Doctoral Fellow Award
The Biological Sciences and Health Sciences sections are offering The Austin Bloch Postdoctoral Fellow Award to recognize an outstanding paper or poster contribution by a Postdoctoral Fellow in biomedical sciences. The Biological Sciences and Health Sciences Sections alternate annually in selecting the award from among their respective section’s submissions. In order to be eligible for […]
Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization Interdisciplinary Paper Award
The Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization offers a $250 cash award for the best interdisciplinary research paper on a topic related to aging by a GSA student member. Some examples might include how the biological aspects of aging are related to the social consequences of aging; using a theoretical perspective such as life course theory […]
Person-in-Training Award
The Person-in-Training Award is given to a student of the Health Sciences section for the best student presentation at the Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting. The $500 award is designed to encourage research and to foster interest among students in the Health Sciences section and to encourage participation in the Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting. In order […]