The Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships. The Geophysical Laboratory emphasizes interdisciplinary experimental and theoretical research in fields ranging from geoscience, microbiology, chemistry, to physics.
by Carnegie Institution of Washington
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Carnegie Observatories Fellowship Program
Carnegie Observatories operates several semi-annual post-doctoral fellowship programs in observational and theoretical astronomy and instrumentation. Fellows are allowed to pursue the research topics of their choice and have access to all of Carnegie’s observing facilities in Chile.
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism: Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Department of Earth and Planetary Science offers a variety of postdoctoral fellowship and associate positions. Fellows and associates can engage in a wide range of experiences that are shaped to preserve maximum flexibility and to fit the scientific interests of both Staff Members and Fellows.
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism: Predoctoral Opportunities
A predoctoral student may be accepted for training, in general, in an area of research leading to the preparation of a thesis and the award of an advanced degree at a cooperating university. One or more of the DTM faculty usually serve as thesis advisors. Arrangements for such training and guidance are made on an […]