Graduate students at North American institutions or Greek graduate students who research subject is ancient Greek law and who need to work at ASCSA libraries; or Greek graduate students working on School excavation are eligible. The fellowship is awarded periodically, but only once per year.
by American School of Classical Studies at Athens
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Jacob Hirsch Fellowship
PhD candidates in the U.S. or Israel who are dissertations in archaeology or recent Ph.D.’s completing a project, such as the revision of a dissertation for publication are eligible. Each project requires a lengthy residence in Greece. The fellowship duration is 9 months.
Paul Rehak Memorial Traveling Fellowship
Regular Members and Student Associate members already attending the School for the entire previous academic year are eligible to apply for funds to travel in Greece. Preference is given to those who have not received funding for travel from their home institutions or other sources.
School Advanced Fellowships
Several fellowships for the full academic year at the School are available to students who have completed the Regular Program or one year as a Student Associate Member and plan to return to the School to pursue independent research, usually for their Ph.D. dissertation.
Semple Award of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South
Members of CAMWS who are either elementary/secondary school Greek or Latin teachers in the CAMWS territory or graduate students in a degree-granting program in Classics in the CAMWS territory are eligible to apply for this $4,000 fellowship to attend the summer session.
M. Alison Frantz Fellowship in Post-Classical Studies at the Gennadius Library
Fields of study include Late Antiquity, Byzantine Studies and Modern Greek Studies. Ph.D. candidates and recent Ph.D.’s from a U.S. or Canadian institution are eligible and must demonstrate their need to work in the Gennadius Library.
Cotsen Travelling Fellowship for Research in Greece
Short term travel-to-collection award for senior scholars and graduate students for projects and research at the Gennadius Library. $2,000 is provided and at least one month of residency required.
Wiener Laboratory Travel Grants
Travel grants of $2,000 for graduate students or postdoctoral scholars from North American institutions are available for projects in archaeological science in Greece. Preference will be given to those who anticipate carrying out the majority of their research at the Wiener Laboratory in Athens.
W.D.E. Coulson and Toni Cross Aegean Exchange Program
Short-term fellowships for Greek nationals and members of Greek universities (doctoral and postdoctoral) to pursue research in Turkey under the auspices of the American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT). Stipend of $250 per week plus airfare.
New York Classical Club Rome/Athens Summer Scholarships
NY Classical Club members can win scholarships toward the cost of study in the summer session of the American Academy in Rome or the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Preference will be given to secondary school teachers and graduate students.