Division 20 sponsors several travel awards for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral researchers to attend the APA convention. Applicants must be first author on an APA proposal submission.
by American Psychological Association
American Psychological Association
Annual Prize for Psychological Research on Women and Gender by Graduate or Undergraduate Students
Research topics should focus on women’s lives and issues or gender ideologies and behavior from a feminist perspective. Papers are eligible from students or those who were a student when the paper was written.
Health Psychology (Division 38) Graduate Student Research Awards
Division 38 sponsors five $1,500 graduate research awards to perform research in various content areas of health psychology. All full-time graduates may apply, though the award is commonly used for dissertation research.
APA Student Travel Award
Students will receive $300 to support their travel to the APA Convention. Applicants who are both members of the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) and first authors are eligible to have their convention registration fees waived.
Early Graduate Student Researcher Awards
This award recognizes outstanding research early in graduate training (i.e. the first two years). The award focuses on both the student’s general research experience and specific completed research projects and provides funds for research expenses, software, and conference travel.
Media Psychology Student Dissertation/Research Award
Dissertation award for projects on internet, radio, TV, or print research/applications; multimedia telecommunications; virtual reality; distance learning; telehealth services; and product development.. The award includes a $200 stipend and one year of free membership in the Division.
Division 12 Graduate Student Awards
Several awards for student affiliates of Division 12 (Clinical Psychology) are available. They may include the Distinguished Student Research Award in Clinical Psychology, Distinguished Student Practice Award in Clinical Psychology, and Distinguished Student Service Award in Clinical Psychology.
Nancy B. Forest and L. Michael Honaker Master’s Grant for Research in Psychology
This $1,000 grant supports Master’s thesis field research in psychology. The application requires a three-page thesis proposal and additional materials and applicants must be a member of APAGS to apply.
APAGS Outstanding Professional Development Program Award
The purpose of this $500 award is to encourage students to submit proposals for APAGS’ convention programming and to attend and participate in the annual APA Convention. All accepted program submissions that meet the criteria are automatically nominated to receive this award.
Graduate Student Ethics Prize
This $1,000 prize is open to APAGS members currently enrolled in a psychology graduate program. Submissions must be written in APA style and may not exceed 25 double-spaced pages (including tables and references). Submissions may not have been previously published or submitted for publication.