Funds are intended to help defray travel expenses and to make up for lost earnings while the student is on externship. The award will be disbursed in two installments, the first before the externship is to commence, and the balance upon successful completion. Preference will also be given to underclassmen and to externships where the […]
by American Association of Bovine Practitioners
American Association of Bovine Practitioners
AABP Research Assistantship
A candidate shall be a graduate veterinarian, an AABP member and registered in a masters or doctoral program at an accredited North American veterinary college (school), a college with a veterinary science department, or a candidate shall be a North American bovine practitioner and AABP member conducting a scientific research project. he research award shall […]
Student Case Presentation Competition
The competition promotes student interest in the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP), encourages investigative and communication skills, and to allows students to have interactive participation in the annual meeting. Visit funder website for more information.