This is awarded to a woman who has completed at least one calendar year in a full-time doctoral program and is enrolled in full-time studies in Canada or abroad at the time of application. Must be Canadian citizen or landed immigrant.
by Visual, Performing and Creative Arts
Visual, Performing and Creative Arts
JACL Scholarships
The National Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) was founded to fight discrimination against people of Japanese ancestry. Scholarships are available to Japanese American students at the undergraduate and graduate level. ELIGIBILITY: National JACL membership at the Individual/Youth Student level is a requirement. Visit website for complete application and deadline information.
Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Academic Diversity
The Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Academic Diversity was established to increase the number of ethnic minority faculty members at the University of California at Berkeley. The program provides postdoctoral fellowships, research opportunities, mentoring and guidance in preparation for academic career advancement. The program currently solicits applications from individuals who are members of ethnic minority […]
Mortar Board National Foundation Fellowships
Since the inception of Mortar Board’s fellowship program in 1941, more than half a million dollars has been given to deserving members of Mortar Board pursuing postgraduate degrees. The program has grown to several awards of between $3,000 and $5,000 each. A member of any age may apply for a Mortar Board Fellowship for postgraduate […]
Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship
Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded annually at Dalhousie University to recently graduated scholars of superior academic research ability in any discipline. Awards are tenable for two years and include travel costs, a research grant, and a conference travel allowance.
Swiss Scholarships for University Studies, Fine Arts and Music Schools
The Commission offers stipends to graduate researchers or artists/performers who wish to work in a university or academic laboratory in Switzerland. Awards support candidates for the 9-month academic year.
Bardwell Memorial Fellowship
Each year the Alumnae Association of Mount Holyoke College offers a small number of fellowships to alumnae. Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from the Mount Holyoke College or be a graduating senior. Awarded to a graduate of not more than five years’ standing without limitation as to field of work or place of study. […]
The 1905 Fellowship
Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from the Mount Holyoke College or be a graduating senior. This fellowship is awarded without limitation as to year of graduation, field of work, or place of study.
PEO Scholar Awards
The goal of the award is to encourage and support women’s academic achievements. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of US and Canada, and expect to finish their degree within two years of nomination.
Fellowships at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The sponsor provides support to allow students and graduates of outstanding academic achievement from all parts of the world, including Israel, to pursue their master’s, doctoral, and postdoctoral studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Eligible applicants may not apply later than four years after completion of their doctoral dissertation.