Each year, the NSS awards two Ralph W. Stone Graduate Fellowships for cave-related thesis research. The annual award is currently $2000 each.
by Physical & Mathematical Sciences and Engineering
Physical & Mathematical Sciences and Engineering
Big Ten Academic Alliance Smithsonian Fellowship
Big Ten Academic Alliance Smithsonian Institution Fellows conduct independent study and research related to Smithsonian collections, experts, or facilities in cooperation with at least one Smithsonian advisor.
The Mistletoe Research Fellowship
This professional development program awards research grants to postdoctoral fellows and advanced PhD candidates and provides the chance to collaborate with startups with a high potential for social and humanitarian impact.
Evolving Earth Foundation Student Grant Program
The Evolving Earth grant program provides grants to support student research on earth science research topics that relate to the mission and priorities of the foundation, which is dedicated to an increased understanding and awareness of the geologic and biologic processes that shape our earth.
Caroline Spurgeon Centenary Fellowship
Science Policy Fellowship
The Science Policy Fellowship hones scientists by putting them to practice for the benefit of Gulf Coast communities and ecosystems. Fellows gain first hand experience on the staff of federal, state, local, or non-governmental environmental and public health agencies in the Gulf of Mexico region.
Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity
NSF will consider supplemental funding requests that enable PIs to request up to six months of additional support to provide graduate students with the opportunity to augment their research assistantships with non-academic research internship activities and training opportunities.
HDR Scholarship Program – Transportation
HDR will grant one $10,000 scholarship to a graduate-level student enrolled in a civil, structural, geotechnical, or other related engineering discipline associated with the transportation engineering industry. The award also includes a paid internship.
Rosenberry Graduate Fellowship
Provides a $15,000 stipend to support the doctoral research of a graduate student attending a university in North America and whose research contributes to forest and conservation history. Research focus on the historic relationships between humans, forests, and related resources is required.
Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology
The purpose of the FINESST is to provide relevant research and/or technology development project training in disciplines needed to achieve the goals of NASA SMD. FINESST grants are for student-designed research projects that contribute to SMD’s science, technology and exploration goals.