The Women’s Research & Education Institute (WREI) offers a fellowship program that places current or recent graduate students in the Washington, D.C. offices of Members of Congress and on House and Senate staffs to work Jan – Aug as public policy legislative aides.
New York State Senate Graduate/Post-Graduate/Mid-Career Fellowships
Fellowships are open to all majors. Students are not required to presently reside in New York State or attend school in New York State. All Senate fellowships are on-site in Albany, New York. Fellowships are not financial aid for academic work, on-campus or classroom study. Housing in Albany is the responsibility of the Fellow. Fellowship […]
Native American Community Scholar’s Awards
The Office of Fellowships and Grants offers awards to Native Americans who are formally or informally related to a Native American community to undertake individually designed research projects related to Native American topics and using Native American resources at the Smithsonian. Stipends: $150 per day for up to 21 days, a travel allowance and a […]
1989 Ecole Polytechnique Commemorative Award
Commemorates the fourteen women students murdered at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal. For graduate studies in any field. The candidate must justify the relevance of her work to women. Must be Canadian citizen or landed immigrant.
Philip M. Smith Graduate Research Grant for Cave and Karst Research
Awawrded for research on issues related to caves and karst. For qualified students in natural and social sciences
Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship
Provides one annual research grant of up to $4500, regarded as compensation for work at a botanical garden by the student, who jointly serves the program of the Center for Plant Conservation and his/her curricular studies.
Graduate Fellowships
Scholarship: The Foundation offers Delta Gamma graduate students $2500 fellowships annually for graduate study in any chosen field. Applicants must be dues-paying Delta Gamma alumnae or collegians who are currently enrolled in graduate school or will begin graduate school in the fall.
Hayek Fund for Scholars Career Development Grants
The Hayek Fund for Scholars provides awards of up to $750 to graduate students and untenured faculty members for career-advancing activities. The award is open to graduate students who intend to pursue academic careers and untenured faculty members whose academic work contributes to the understanding of the principles, practices, and institutions necessary to a free […]
John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising and Marketing History J. Walter Thompson Research fellowships
The JWT Research Fellowships provide $1000 in funds for up to three individuals planning research trips for a minimum of two weeks primarily to use the J. Walter Thompson Archives.
Edward C. Bryant Scholarship Trust Fund Award in Survey Statistics
Each year an outstanding graduate student in Survey Statistics is awarded the Bryant Scholarship to help support the student’s graduate education. Selection criteria include: potential to contribute to survey statistics; applied experience in survey statistics; performance in graduate school.