The Foundation supports promote basic research in biomedicine by providing the best young, up-and-coming scientists with comprehensive support during their PhD phase. The PhD project must be experimental, in the field of basic biomedical research and aimed at elucidating basic biological phenomena of human life and acquiring new scientific knowledge. For a survey on the […]
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Quick Response Research Grants
Small grants reimburse expenses incurred during pre-approved fieldwork to disaster-affected areas to capture time-sensitive data. Proposals by students and new researchers using recognized, theory-driven scientific methods to examine social, behavioral, and organizational phenomena are preferred.
New York State Senate Graduate/Post-Graduate/Mid-Career Fellowships
Fellowships are open to all majors. Students are not required to presently reside in New York State or attend school in New York State. All Senate fellowships are on-site in Albany, New York. Fellowships are not financial aid for academic work, on-campus or classroom study. Housing in Albany is the responsibility of the Fellow. Fellowship […]
GHI Fellowships at the Horner Library
Award allows Ph.D. and M.A. students and advanced scholars to spend up to four weeks conducting research at the Joseph Horner Memorial Library in Philadelphia.
Masters Scholarship Program
The MSP Scholarships provide full tuition and fees and a competitive stipend for up to two years of master’s level study. Applicants should be from underrepresented/minority groups. Research should be in areas of interest to the semiconductor industry.
Kress Conservation Fellowship
The purpose of the Kress Conservation Fellowship program is to provide a wide range of post-graduate fellowship opportunities that will help develop the skills of emerging conservators. Applicants must have the equivalent of an MA in conservation. The award is $32,000.
Full-Year Program
CASA offers a 12-month intensive Arabic language and culture program. These programs include up to a year of study as well as program sponsored tours and trips.
International Fellowships
International Fellowships award for full-time study or research to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Fellowships support graduate or postgraduate studies at accredited institutions. Recipients are selected for academic achievement and commitment to women and girls.
CAORC Fellowship
This in-residence fellowship offers 2-6 months of support for MA or pre-doctoral students conducting research in Jordan. Research can be conducted in any field and on any time period, but should contribute to scholarship in Near Eastern studies.
Harrell Family Fellowship
Field Research Grant: to support a graduate student for participation in an ACOR-approved archaeological research project, which has passed an academic review process. Senior project staff whose expenses are being borne largely by the project are ineligible. Open to enrolled graduate students of any nationality.