This $1,000 award aims to support masters’ theses or pre-dissertation research on aspects of sexism, racism, or prejudice, with preference given to students enrolled in a terminal master’s program.
by MLA
Larson Aquatic Research Support (LARS)
This scholarship provides support for doctoral and Masters students interested in careers in the fields of corrosion control, treatment and distribution of domestic and industrial water supplies, aquatic chemistry, or environmental chemistry. MSc students receive $5000, PhD students receive $7000.
Kress Conservation Fellowship
The purpose of the Kress Conservation Fellowship program is to provide a wide range of post-graduate fellowship opportunities that will help develop the skills of emerging conservators. Applicants must have the equivalent of an MA in conservation. The award is $32,000.
Holly Cornell Scholarship
This scholarship encourages and supports outstanding female and/or minority Masters students in pursuit of advanced training in the field of water supply and treatment.
Harrell Family Fellowship
Field Research Grant: to support a graduate student for participation in an ACOR-approved archaeological research project, which has passed an academic review process. Senior project staff whose expenses are being borne largely by the project are ineligible. Open to enrolled graduate students of any nationality.
Academic Achievement Award
This award encourages academic excellence by recognizing contributions to the field of public water supply. All Masters theses and doctoral dissertations that are relevant to the water supply industry are eligible. First place is for $3000 and second is $1500.
White Mountain Research Center Graduate Student Research Minigrant Program
The White Mountain Research Center (WMRC) is offering modest mini-grants in support of original graduate student research during 2017. Grants of $500 to $1000 will be awarded on a competitive basis to offset the cost of meals and lodging at one or more of the WMRC research stations.
APA Student Travel Award
Students will receive $300 to support their travel to the APA Convention. Applicants who are both members of the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) and first authors are eligible to have their convention registration fees waived.
Scholarship: For undergraduate and graduate students to encourage independent study and research that will improve the general welfare of mankind. Primary considerations for scholarship are character, ability and financial need. Candidates must demonstrate a commitment to service.
Student Research Grants
Note: there are two deadlines, February 1 and June 1. Each year The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) awards three grants of $1,000 each to students who are doing sexuality research. The purpose of the research can be a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, but this is not a requirement. Applicants must […]