This grant provides up to $1,000 for research in the fields of integrative and comparative biology. All funds must be used directly in support of the proposed investigation.
by MLA
Katherin F. Gruber Scholarship
This scholarship aims to support spouses, dependent children, and grandchildren of blinded veterans of the US Armed Forces to assist them with their higher education tuition. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit, and can be renewed up to four times.
Research Grants
MSI funds high-quality research that deals with topics of importance to member companies. Research related to MSI’s Research Priorities, which are determined every two years, is especially encouraged. Awards are typically between $3,000 and $10,000.
Nellie Yeoh Whetten Award
To recognize and encourage excellence by women in graduate studies in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. The nominee must be a registered female graduate student in an accredited academic institution at the time when the applications are due. Applicants are normally expected not to graduate before the award selection. The award may […]
Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute Grants
The Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute supports a program of small grants-in-aid, not to exceed $2,500, in support of research on the “Roosevelt years” or clearly related subjects. Grants are awarded each spring and fall. Funds are awarded for the sole purpose of helping to defray living, travel, and related expenses incurred while conduction research […]
Jessup and McHenry Awards
Jessup funds are awarded competitively to students wishing to conduct studies at the postgraduate, doctoral and postdoctoral levels under the supervision or sponsorship of a member of the curatorial staff of the Academy. The McHenry Fund is similarly intended, but is restricted to botanists.
Florence Young Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for graduate students who are enrolled in federally recognized tribes and who are seeking a degree in art, law or medicine/public health. Each award is $1,500 per school year.
Richard M. Weaver Fellowship
The ISI Richard M. Weaver Fellowship awards a number of fellowships ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 to students interested in teaching at the college level.
Postgraduate Student Bursary
Applications are invited for a number of travel bursaries which are to be awarded by the Society. These are in addition to other postgraduate student travel bursaries awarded to young researchers. The purpose of these awards is to support academic work by allowing attendance at overseas conferences and meetings; encouraging international collaboration involving research of […]
A Korean-American student currently enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or graduate program is qualified to apply for the KASF scholarship. The scholarship recipient is selected on the basis of financial need, academic achievement, school activities, and community services. Each applicant must submit an application to the respective KASF region, in which each region is designated […]