The Ross C. Purse Doctoral Fellowship encourages and supports theoretical and practical research in the field of vision loss in Canada. The fellowship is awarded for research in the social sciences, engineering, or other fields of study that are immediately relevant to the field of vision loss.
by DPT
George A. Barton Fellowship
$3,000 award for 1 month. Room and half-board at the Institute is $1,200 per month and the remainder is stipend. Open to all doctoral students and recent Ph.D. (degree granted within last 5 years) recipients of all nationalities.
Postgraduate Scholarship
Available to students enrolled or intending to enroll in masterate or doctoral programmes in the fields of agriculture, agriculture-related technologies, or the study of rural society. For masters students, funding will be for one year (normally for a course including a significant research component); for doctoral students, awards may be for up to three years […]
Fusion Energy Sciences Fellowship – U.S. Dept. of Energy
Offers fellowships for graduate work in magnetic fusion science and engineering; application is usually made before or during first year of graduate school. Up to three years of support for graduate study. Fellows are required to serve one practicum of at least three months in duration and may serve more than one practicum if funding […]
Higher Education Research Experiences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for Students
This program provides opportunities to participate in research in a broad range of science and engineering activities related to basic sciences, energy, and the environment. Opportunities are available for various lengths of time.
Gilbreth Memorial Fellowship
available to graduate students enrolled in any school in the United States and its territories, Canada, and Mexico. The graduate student must be pursuing an advanced degree program in industrial engineering or its equivalent.
Higher Education Research Experiences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for Research Visits
opportunities to make short (one day to three weeks), collaborative research visits to Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Newkirk Graduate Research Fellowship
Multiyear fellowship support for graduate students doing solar and atmospheric research requiring the use of the National High Altitude Observatory in Boulder, CO.
Sagebrush Circuit-Lew and JoAnn Eklund Educational Scholarship
Applicants must be members of the ApHC or be the son or daughter of an ApHC member. Applicants must be a college junior, senior or graduate student. They must be pursuing a degree in a major field of study that is closely related to the equine industry. Applicants must currently maintain a grade point average […]
Chapters Scholarships
Individual chapters of the ASSE provide scholarships ranging from $1000 to $5000 to support students studying safety engineering. Visit the ASSE Foundation link on the website for detailed information about the scholarships.